Stewardship News

It’s Stewardship Pledge Month!

Look forward to a month of fun events and great participation!

We are planning a very exciting Stewardship Campaign complete with audience participation for all ages!!! Get ready—we want you—to have fun!!

We are excited for the second annual Oktoberfest! It should be tons of fun!!! Food, family, faith, games and frostys too!!

We are looking forward to our Council Retreat-to regenerate our brains and gather

new and exciting things for LCOR to get moving on!!!

Please look for your Stewardship letter- with pledge card enclosed – in the mail. Many options to pledge! Keep an eye out for the information!

Also-please plan on attending service (Either 8:30 or 10:30) to help with our presentations!  Joanne presents on October 16, Brenda and Pastor on October 23, and Lenny on October 30.