Welcome to the Worship & Music Committee

We are responsible for many aspects of worship. The committee typically includes: the pastor, musician(s), a chairperson, a secretary, a scheduling coordinator, and “at-large” members (anyone from the congregation who would like to join!). If you’re interested in the music that’s played at worship, or in the details of the service, we gladly encourage you to join us for a meeting and see if you would like to become more involved with the Music and Worship Committee.


Below is a list of regular responsibilities for the W&M committee:

  • Training and coordination of lay ministries (readers, acolytes, ushers, etc.)
  • Evaluating regular liturgies and special events
  • Assessing and reassessing worship times
  • Worship policy making, including making recommendations to council
  • Selecting and maintaining worship books, vestments, paraments, communion vessels, and seasonal decorating
  • Supplying musical instruments, wine, juice, bread, flowers, music, candles
  • Organizing choirs/handbells
  • Preparing notes in the congregational newsletter or on its website about particular services and times in the church year
  • Caring for the committee budget
  • Coordinating with other committees (Sunday school, fellowship, etc.)
  • Staying aware of liturgical trends and concerns within the synod, the ELCA, and among ecumenical partners
A church with pews and chairs in it