Throughout its young history, the mission statement of LCOR has been a guiding vision:
"A growing, caring gathering of Christians who share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Word, Sacraments and Service."
It was this vision that guided the desire to purchase five acres of land at 212 Main Street and build a new church building that would be our house of worship as well as house a dynamic Christian daycare ministry known as Our Redeemer Child Care Center (ORCCC). It was this vision that led to beginning a Contemporary Worship Service in addition to the existing Traditional Worship Service. It was this vision that led LCOR to encourage community-based service groups to utilize its facilities. It is this vision which is now blessing the growth of our community in both numbers and outreach.
We invite you to experience what is taking place at the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer:
- Worship Services that celebrate Word and Sacrament with scripture, sermons, music, and prayer.
- Fellowship opportunities for many different ages including our Youth Group, congregational dinners and a host of activities sponsored by our Community Life team.
- Educational Ministries which feature Christ-centered interactive learning opportunities for all people ages 4 and up—including Sunday School, Confirmation ministry, Adult Christian Education, and of course Our Redeemer Child Care Center (ORCCC) that provides loving care for up to 67 children on a daily basis, from infancy through kindergarten.
- Community Service Ministries such as our Prayer Shawl Ministry, a Stephen Ministry program that provides one on one individual care for people in transition and a Social Ministry team that leads projects to help meet basic human needs and alleviate suffering in the local and wider communities.
Come share with us the joy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which gives hope to our hurting world and our hearts. Together we‘ll find new ways to expand our vision and outreach to others! Together we’ll grow in the depth of God’s grace and renewal!