Adult Ed- Gratitude
Our focus is on Gratitude. Classes run during the Sunday School Hour, 9:30 AM in the Nazareth Room, continuing through the end of December.
Newsletter Deadline
Please have your submissions in to the Church Office by today.
Christmas Caroling
Join LCOR at Maples Rehab & Nursing for some Christmas Caroling!
Adult Ed- Gratitude
Our focus is on Gratitude. Classes run during the Sunday School Hour, 9:30 AM in the Nazareth Room, continuing through the end of December.
Christmas Decorating
Sunday December 22nd 11:30 am, Christmas Decorating: We will decorate the sanctuary for Christmas. This includes putting up the tree, decorating it, assembling the handheld candles/holders for the Christmas Eve celebration, and setting up the crèche. There are chores for all ages and it’s a quick job with enough help. Please consider staying after second…
Quiet Christmas Service
Sunday December 22nd 4:00 PM: Quiet Christmas: A Quiet Christmas Service is a Christmas Service that keeps a more somber tone to offer a sacred space and theological context for those for whom the holidays are not as joyful. At this time, we remember that Jesus comes into the world as it is and meets…